You may be aware of tools like grammerly to assist in fixing grammar and spelling issues in your email. Vale is a similar tool, but its a open source cli, so can be used to help automate and standardize your teams prose. below is there description of the production from the github page

Vale is a command-line tool that brings code-like linting to prose. It's fast, cross-platform (Windows, macOS, and Linux), and highly customizable.


To install vale you can use brew, for other options please see:

brew install vale


Add a .vale.ini file to the root of your repo, below is a basic example for it

StylesPath = styles

Vocab = tech


BasedOnStyles = Google


This is your root folder for 3rd party styles, language rules etc.


You can add single or multiple values here. Its a section for adding words that you want to ignore or highlight from your linting. I have added a tech folder and put in words like aws, kubernetes etc.

You create a folder and under your StylesPath with the vocab name and then add 2 files, accept.txt and reject.txt

File types

Next list which file types you wish to run vale against example [*.md] will only check markdown files


This is where you pick which styles you want to run. In my example I have downloaded the google style. But many others exist (like Microsoft, Write-good, etc)

Add a 3rd party style

Here you can just copy the folder of yaml rules from your chosen style guide, I copied the Google folder from under my styles folder

VSCode Setup

You can install the vscode extension that allows you to see the suggestions in the problems tab, the installation is standard, search for vale in the extensions section. Remember to update the extensions cli settings and to restart vscode to enable it.

Cli usage

As well as integrating it with vscode you can also run vale via the command line. The easiest option there is cd into the root of the folder or where ever you have the .vale.ini

All files

To run vale against all files with a matching format run

vale .

Specific file

To run vale against a specific file

vale content/posts/

Next steps

One thing that isn’t available out the box is a pre-commit hook to add your linting to standard commit workflows.

The other thing to look at is do you want to use a standard style or create you own. I’m happy to use a standard one and have it as a simple improvement to my current writing, but you may want to refine it.

I really like the option of adding some linting to my and the teams docs proses and this is great easy option. Hope its helpful to you to.
