Below is a collection of examples of how to archive different tasks using Terraform

Remove a specific resource from an environment

Example scenario you created an ECR but no longer need it as the project has failed or its been moved to a different location. Either way. You have something in Terraform and you no longer want it there!

First get the name of the resource you want to delete. To get the name of the resource use:

terraform state list

I got the below output:

Terraform output for state list

The output shows me 2 ECR resources (The policy and the ECR)

First lets delete the policy:

terraform destroy -target=aws_ecr_lifecycle_policy.life_policy

Then lets delete the ECR

terraform destroy -target=aws_ecr_repository.dos

you can now remove the file from your workspace and job done :)

Remove an object from Terraform State

In this example someone has kindly destroyed the object in the aws console and you now need to remove the resource from the terraform statefile

Again use state list to get the resource name:

terraform state list

Now we run state rm

terraform rm ``