You’ve deployed a RDS instances for your EKS/kubernetes cluster into a private subnet and don’t have a bastion up to run pgadmin on.

You want to connect to a postgres database quickly


Bring up a pod with pgadmin (if your running a private EKS you need to use a private ECR for the --image value)

kubectl run pgadmin --image dpage/pgadmin4 --env="" --env="PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD=logmein"

port-forward into pgadmin

kubectl port-forward pgadmin 8080:80

Open your favourite web browser and go to http://localhost:8080

And there it is you can now enjoy the joys the pgadmin to connect to your private database server without the need of jump boxes, or external load balancers etc. All locked down to only those than can connect to to your cluster via kubectl

Clean up

Delete pod till needed again

kubectl delete pod pgadmin