
Security Groups for Pods

  • If you use the default CNI aws-node then you are limited to hosting a number of pods based on the instance type:

  • If you wish to use security groups for pods you have to use a ec2 type on the list below:

  • If you have ran kubectl set env daemonset aws-node -n kube-system ENABLE_POD_ENI=true and still see for all nodes in the cluster. Try rotating your nodes (ie auto-scaling instance refresh) OR Again checking if you nodes are on the supported instance types list above (This was our problem! and wasted half of my day :()


  • You can safely ignore the below the logs which can be seen in k describe pod
Normal   SecurityGroupRequested  8m18s  vpc-resource-controller  Pod will get the following Security Groups [sg-01abfab8503347254]
  Normal   ResourceAllocated       8m17s  vpc-resource-controller  Allocated [{"eniId":"eni-0bf8102e8bf0fa369","ifAddress":"02:78:59:8f:ee:b2","privateIp":"","vlanId":1,"subnetCidr":""}] to the pod
  Warning  FailedCreatePodSandBox  8m17s  kubelet                  Failed to create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to set up sandbox container "bdacc9416438c30c46cdd620a382a048cb5ad5902aec9bf7766488604eef6a60" network for pod "pgadmin": networkPlugin cni failed to set up pod "pgadmin_pgadmin" network: add cmd: failed to assign an IP address to container
  Normal   SandboxChanged          8m16s  kubelet                  Pod sandbox changed, it will be killed and re-created.
  • You can see if your pod has connected to the sg and eni via running a k describe pod.. as you should get an output like:
Annotations: eks.privileged
    Limits:  1
    Requests:  1

As well as the logs from describe showing:

Pod will get the following Security Groups [sg-01abfab8503347254]