I’ve just published a new github repo that contains a collection of base best practises for your rds instances.


Example usage

Create you inspec profile (For help see my blog post: https://blog.serialexperiments.co.uk/posts/inspec-by-example/)

Update file inspec.yml depends on section with rds-bp-benchmark

  - name: inspec-aws
    url: https://github.com/inspec/inspec-aws/archive/master.tar.gz
  - name: rds-bp-benchmark
    git: https://github.com/Staggerlee011/rds-bp-benchmark
    branch: master

Add file controls/include.rb and edit

include_controls 'rds-bp-benchmark'

Add or update inputs.yml

rds_name: 'my-rds-instance'
region: 'eu-west-2'
rds_engine: 'postgres'
rds_securitygroup: 'rds-sg'

Run inspec

inspec exec . -t aws:// --input-file inputs.yml

I’ve put each test into its own control so you can skip them if you wish as well as making most of the controls have editable values. Again you can see more of how to do that in the in my blog post inspec by example.

I’m hoping this helps you and others. please feel free to offer updates.